Showing all 2 results

  • The Hidden

    Stranded on an island, Lannes must get home and confront the aliens who kidnapped him.

    On his way home from a student exchange program, Langons, aliens invading his world, kidnap Lannes and leave him alone on an island. Over time, more people, all vocal anti-alien activists, are dropped on the island. It’s back to the stone age, hunting game, and building rock huts. But it can’t last forever. Either he will find a way to escape, or the resistance will rescue him. Someday, the aliens will make a mistake, and then they will pay for what they have done.

  • Kairn (Mates of the Alliance Book 1)

    Fighting to save a primitive planet targeted by the Alliance’s enemies, Kairn never expected to find the female who haunted his dreams made flesh and blood.

    Daria’s life revolved around her work. She had given up on finding romance…let alone love. Earth was now under attack by an evil alien empire—under siege. Daria is trying to do her job as best she can in an upside-down world. Then the cavalry arrives…in the form of giant, gorgeous alien warriors.

    These aliens are working toward restoring Earth to the pristine beauty she used to be. In their charismatic leader, Daria finds the most amazing partner. What’s an Earth girl to do but grab on with both hands and hold on tight to enjoy the ride? After all…what could possibly go wrong?
